Wednesday, August 3, 2005

John Piper Quote on the Righteousness of God

A bit from John Piper:
But the same is true for God. How shall God not insult what is infinitely beautiful and and glorious? How shall God not commit idolatry? There is only one possible answer: God must love and delight in his own beauty and perfection above all things. For us to do this in front of the mirror is the essence of vanity; for God to do it in front of his Son is the essence of righteousness. Isn't the essence of righteousness to be moved by perfect delight in what is perfectly glorious? And isn't the opposite of righteousness when we set our highest affections on the things of little or no worth?

And so the righteousness of God is the infinite zeal and joy and pleasure that he has in his own worth and glory. And if he were to ever act contrary to this eternal passion for his own perfections he would be unrighteous, he would be an idolater.

1 comment:

jc20lc said...

I'm guessing ya look Piper. It's just a far-fetched guess, so don't be mad if I get it wrong. Anywho, have a great night!
dee rock
wild guess again: PLEASURES OF GOD (this one is tougher b/c he probably says this in 4 diff. books, lol)