Sunday, August 26, 2007

Lack of Progress

Machen on progress or lack there of:

“Scientific investigation, as has already been observed, has certainly accomplished much; it has in many respects produced a new world.  But there is another aspect of the picture which should not be ignored.  The modern world represents in some respects an enormous improvement over the world in which our ancestors lived; but in other respects it exhibits a lamentable decline.  The improvements appear in the physical conditions of life, but in the spiritual realm there is a corresponding loss.  The loss is clearest, perhaps, in the realm of art.  Despite the mighty revolution which has been produced in the external conditions of life, no great poet is now living to celebrate the change; humanity has suddenly become done.  Gone, too, are the great painters and the great musicians and the great sculptors.  The art that still subsists is largely imitative, and were it is not imitative it is usually bizarre.”


Anonymous said...

Whats up? It's Tom, love your style. Come get some ringtones on our new blog and hear some music. Xanga supported.

landofparadise said...

Hello Danny,You made your site so simple yet elegant but I see that you don’t write here much anymore! I want to help people to really get to know God and His plans, especially in these troubled times. 12 "I will `destine' you to the sword. All of you will bow before the executioner, for when I called, you did not answer. When I spoke, you did not listen. You deliberately sinned--before my very eyes--and chose to do what you know I despise." (Isaiah 65:12) (New Living Translation).

RoBoChIcA said...

Mmmm, Machen.  Fascinating.  I don't run across many people who really appreciate/know who Machen is.