Friday, July 25, 2014

God's Acceptance and Pride

It is not uncommon to find people who feel that God cannot forgive them. They feel they have done too much wrong to be forgiven.

It is an odd instance of wounded pride. You see in this moment the person has placed their sin as being at a level that Jesus' perfect obedience, death, and resurrection could not atone for.

The eternal son of God gave his life for all who will come in faith to him. You see we cannot reasonably place our sin on the level of Jesus' sacrifice.

The apostle Paul before he was converted persecuted the church to a great degree. You see we deceive ourselves if we think our sin has any comparison to the infinite degree of Jesus' work.

God calls us to draw near to him in faith. He does not wish for us to be apart from him. To all who knock the door will be opened. God offers forgiveness freely and without qualification. There are not better or worse prospects to enter the kingdom of heaven.

All of us have sinned and fall short of the perfect life and righteousness necessary to enter the kingdom of God. To all who believe the perfect life and infinite righteousness of Jesus becomes theirs.

Faith is not nearly so hard as we make it out to be. At times that is the difficulty. Mankind wishes to participate in his salvation past simply accepting the righteousness of Jesus. But you see that it is a perfect parallel to the first sin of man.

Man in the beginning would not take God at his word that God had man's best interest in mind. Now God simply asks that man who lives in rebellion against God simply take God at his word.

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