Monday, November 9, 2015

Goals of a True Christian Worker

A true Christian worker who is called to ministry should not look to pay to find credibility in their call. I have seen many Christian workers who earn enough who feel judged (and they are probably right) by some of their peers because they "lack initiative" to earn more.

It is a truly ungodly perspective of their peers--many of whom may be church goers! Being called by God to a task and answering is an honorable calling.

If a Christian worker's pay is adequate they should not feel ashamed if they could make more pursuing other careers. Pay is a means that is important but it is not everything.

To judge everything in terms of money is a completely worldly perspective. The Christian worker sets their eyes on the eternal rather than the temporal.

The grass withers and the flowers fade but the word of the Lord stands forever. We cannot take our wealth with us; it is fleeting. True faith looks at all criteria by which the world judges success and correctly qualifies these criteria by looking at the criteria in the light of eternity.

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