Thursday, November 12, 2009

Topical Preaching

At college I attended a church for three years where the Bible was preached topically. One major danger I found was that much of the contents of the bible were never preached. Topical preaching makes it easy to avoid tough texts. The church I was at never had a sermon of giving or money in the three years that I attended. Obviously there is something wrong with this as Jesus constantly talked about money and giving (20% or more of the gospels is Jesus teaching about money). There is nothing wrong with topical preaching per se, but it can leave large chucks of scripture untaught. Topical preaching done wrong almost approaches a redaction of scripture. The preacher gives the impression that certain texts of scripture are unimportant or not worth studying. As church goers when we sit under topical preaching we need to mentally catalog what is taught to check to see if there are topics in the Bible which are not taught. If this is the case we have to question if our church is correctly feeding us. If our church does not deal with large chunks of scripture it may well be a sign that our church is not healthy.

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