Saturday, January 17, 2015

Balanced Diet of Scripture

Scripture has a great balance of topics. All scripture is life breathed and useful for teaching and instruction.

It is easy to enjoy focusing on only a few parts of scripture. All themes in scripture are important.

We may not always see the importance in the themes, but it is an act of faith to the God at his word that all scripture is important.

If we only sample or read favorite parts of scripture we risk vulnerability to imbalance. The bible is a whole work. It is segmented in many parts, but it is too easy to wrongly prioritize parts over others.

It is not to our benefit to strongly prioritize parts of scripture over others. It is easy to look too closely at teaching of a few texts and fail to understand the large scale movements of scripture.

At times it seems to be a point of pride for preachers on how much they can extract from a single verse. What is important is how much God is glorified rather than how impressive an exposition seems.

The glory of God is the final word on the success or failure of any expression of scripture.

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