Saturday, May 25, 2013

Unity without Truth

A number of Christian denominations and church today are trying to hold themselves together by avoiding discussing issues of faith. Their policy seems to be that for the unity of the church we will not discuss the issues among us.

I see the idea here. Clearly unity is a Christian principle. But what about truth? Can God be worshiped without truth?

The reality is that some issues do need to be discussed. There is a sort of unity which is harmful to true religion.

Discussions always need to be done in grace. Could the discussions split a church or a denomination? Yes.

The reality though is that many denominations and church sink into irrelevancy about proclaiming the truth because they hold unity above truth.

The bible holds truth as a principle that is higher then unity. There are many examples of this. A good example was when Paul confronted Peter for living in hypocrisy between his teaching and life.

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