Sunday, October 25, 2015

Truth and Self

At times truth is difficult to accept because it presents something about ourselves. You can see King David who immediately judges a situation correctly without realizing the situation is a parable about himself.

It is not that truth is difficult to understand, but rather that it is easy to take truth selectively. To only think of the facts that make us look good.

It is of course our nature of sin which wishes to hide the truth from ourselves. Having the honest to admit the truth is refreshing.

We are not perfect. We are accepted by a God who knows we are not perfect.

Denying our flaws and weaknesses does nothing other than to prevent us from growing. When we are weak we are strong.

It is not that weakness is strength, but that if we think we are strong we fail to understand. The greatest of people is not immune to sudden illness or accident. When we feel strong we are weak, because we lack the humility to realize that life is not fully in our control and that we must rest on God for strength.

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